Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Styrofoam Turkey

What is needed;
1. Styrofoam Ball(Cut in half)
2. Brown Paint
3. Template for Turkey head
4. Template for I'm thankful for feathers
5. Googley eyes
6. Beak (foam)
7. Wattle (foam)
8. Different colored construction paper for the feathers.
9. Popsicle Sticks

First the children painted the ball brown,while drying the kids then added the eyes,beak, and wattle to the turkey head.I wrote down what the kids were thankful for on the feathers and then I cut out bigger leaves out of the construction paper and then glued the thankful for feathers onto the colored leaves. I laminated them and hot glued the popsicle sticks to the feathers.Then we added the feathers to the styrofoam ball(turkey's body).Then the kids glued the head to the body.Just make sure the paint is completely dry.

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